Wednesday, April 16, 2008


anddd it's met

the weight loss goal has been met, 8 months later! 60 pounds total. i'm back to what i weighed when i was FOURTEEN.


i guess i'll do a before and after here (guh):

before (granted, i found the ultimate unflattering picture of myself, but still, you get the idea):

after (these were the same night, i dont wear the same outfit every day):

i hate to toot my own horn, but BEEP FUCKING BEEP

::inspirational moment:: this shit really wasn't super hard dudes, if yr reading this and want tips/support/whatever on weight loss, email me at the link to the left and we'll bust it out!

Friday, December 07, 2007


Top 30 Singles of 2007

A couple sentences for every song coming soon... for now, digest this and let me know what you think.

30. Snoop Dogg - Sensual Seduction

29. Plies - Shawty

28. R. Kelly - Real Talk

27. Eve - Tambourine

26. Swizz Beats - It's me, Bitches!

25. Devin The Dude - What A Job

24. Two Pistols - She Got It (Justice League Remix)

23. Soulja Boy - Crank Dat

22. Born With It - Stack My Paper Up

21. Jamuel Saxon - Infinite Vacation

20. Lil' Wayne - We Taking Over (Remix)

19. Kanye West - Can't Tell Me Nothing

18. T-Pain - Bartender

17. Lloyd - Get It Shawty

16. Wyclef - Sweetest Girl

15. Wallpaper. - T-Rex

14. Player's Circle - Duffle Bag Boy (remix)

13. B.O.B. - Haterz Everywhere

12. Alicia Keys - No One

11. Sean Kingston - Beautiful Girls

10. The Dream - Shawty is a 10

09. DJ Khaled - Brown Paper Bag

08. T-Pain - Buy You A Drank

07. Lloyd - You

06. DJ Khaled - We Taking Over

05. Kanye West - The Good Life

04. J. Holiday - Bed

03. Wale - Nike Boots

02. R. Kelly - I'm A Flirt (Remix)

01. UGK - International Player's Anthem

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


sorry dudes

i underestimated how busy i would be this i havent had time to even think about updating the blog. but i figured i'd drop in just to let you (and by you i mean david meye) know that im still working out and to date have lost 30 pounds, putting me about 20 away from my goal.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007


coming back 8-27.

oh yes. starting august 27th, the blog loved by millions (or, errr, tens?) will be returning, and since i just took some bullshit advertising course, i'll just say that it's "rebranded"

what was once a forum for pictures of my drunken, attractive friends will now be a place for me to bitch, moan and post shirtless pictures of myself because, yes, i'm going on a diet. its a 12 week program, so i'm hoping to keep the blog going for the entire duration. updates will be a couple times a week, with a weekly summary of my progress. i will also be sure to include various mp3s of shit i've been listening to at the gym.

not only am i dieting, i'm also taking on my largest class load ever (18 credits...this will be my first semester over 12.) and working two internships. so, as rhymefest says "little buddy, this could get ugly. trust me."

so keeping an eye out for the occasional spammy bulletin. i will try my darndest to keep up the blog (and the diet, for that matter). i promise.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


you should listen to nick.


(two seperate links. check the dates.)

Thursday, July 06, 2006


the requisite farewell post.

so um. in case you couldn't really put the dots together, this blog is dead. why? because photoblogs are obnoxious.

there. i said it.

not only are photoblogs obnoxious, but so are digital cameras. at parties. at concerts. at the beach. whereever.

what made me come ot this realization? it was pretty simple really. my camera was ruining my good time. at every party i went to with it it felt like more and more of a burden. i hated taking it out and asking people to pose for pictures. its intrusive. it kills moods. i found i was more concerned with capturing the good time than actually having a good time.

in the past 6 months, ive collected so many great memories with so many great friends, i dont need pictures to stop me from forgetting them. i dont need to spend 3 hours on a sunday night uploading pictures with the hope that ex-friends will read my entries and envy me. i dont need a camera to introduce myself to people and make new friends.

so. to step up onto an even higher soapbox, im going to reach out to you. put down your camera. enjoy the summer with your friends and remember the good times the way you want to, not the way a 3.2 megapixel ccd chip wants to. try it for this weekend. go to a show and sing along with the band instead of taking pictures. instead of interrupting a conversation at a party for a photo-op, put down the camera and join the conversation like a normal human being.


so this is it. new york as nick has official ended. all four of you can delete the bookmark, delete links in your blog's sidebar. it's done. i still love talking about new music, so if you want to, IM me at "nicholas c snow".

thanks for reading!


p.s. listen to annuals.

(seriously. go to both pages and listen to every song on each, then come see them with me at piano's on the 28th)

Thursday, May 18, 2006


potential new favorite band alert.

the explosion in Brother. OH SHIT

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