Friday, February 11, 2005
chicago wasn't the place for me. i made some great friends there that i miss sorely now, but looking back, it just wasn't right.
brooklyn, however. i feel home. i have friends. i laugh and drink and smoke cigarettes and stumble in the door at 6 am and flirt and get crushes and get hurt but its all so fucking fun.
angela and i are no longer speaking, which i think is good for us. we're both at very different points in our lives and im glad she can finally experience all of the social aspects of school that she missed in high school. i cant help but be worried for her well-being.. but i know she'll be alright.
i had stopped posting because of her. i didn't need this when i had a best friend to talk to everything about all the time.. but now she's out of my life and now i do sort of feel like i need this again.
i've been working on the gates project all this week and it's be nothing short of amazing. not only did i get out of my apartment, i also met some new people (albeit people in their 40's who live in other states, but they're all great.) I also got an oppourtunity to meet not only Christo and Jeann-Claude, but also Albert Maysles, a groundbreaking documentarian.
Tomorrow is the last day of the installation process.. we get to unfurl the saffron fabric, and so begins the actual GATES PROJECT (it's up until feb. 27th) i would honestly say that this is worth the plane ticket to new york.
here's Christo, via camera phone.

signed christo postcard #1

signed christo postcard #2

my ID badge