Sunday, March 27, 2005
friday and saturday
as mentioned below.. we went to sushi and beer on friday..
first came the delicious, delicious sapporo, then out came individual bottles of saki.

coincidentally, the camera went away until massive amounts of beer and saki had been consumed.
about an hour and a half later:
jason calling ragan to say "dude im faded"

i was super giggly all night.. here's me staying true to form.

me giggling with rizzo.

me giggling with alex.

whilst i was giggling, jason seemed to be in the kissing mood..
rizzo kissing jason (and jason giving the "this is the single best moment of my entire life" face)

jason (blurrily) kissing justin

after sushi a few of us decided to go back to our place and watch the office.
as the trip went on, it seems as though more and more alcohol began seeping into jason's blood, so at the half way point, he could baely hold his head up... he's a little bit before that.
jason and (the newly single!) anna

justin pulling out a good fonz impersonation

alex and anna

so we all finally got back to brooklyn and everyone was drunk so we all ende dup watching about 15 mintues of the office and everyone sort of fell jason alex and justin stayed up though, and we realized that (identity withheld for obvious reasons) had been in the bathroom for an extremely long time. a quick knock and opening of the door revealed this:

COMPLETELY PASSED OUT. we were howling with laughter and he didnt move an inch.
so, of course, (a recovered) jason needed a picture with him

justin trying to silence his laughing

and here's our new homemade gummo poster (thanks rasterbator)

and that was friday.
saturday me and jason decided not to drink.. so me him and kati just went to a movie. then after the movie we walked to broome street and met up with alex, jeff, and rizzo and we all decided to walk down to justin's dorm for his roommates' party.
here's the brooklyn bridge (not the best picture, sorry)

jeff pretending to be godzilla on a mini skyscraper statue thing.

so we finally get there.. and earlier in the night alex had some absinthe, and it didnt directly hit him but throughout the night his condition kept getting worse and worse.. here he is like, 2 hours after he drank it (with kati!! my platonic soulmate!)

justin and jeff in the kitchen (there was a keg, and beer pong. it felt like vegas)

me, alex, jason, and kati decided to get the most unhealthy food we could find at 1 am... so we got on the 6 train and rode to crif dogs like kings, in an empty car.

alex (whose condition was still worsening) and jason

kati.. looking smarmy, confused and mysterious all rolled into one

alex hitting rock bottom at crif dogs...

for those not acquainted.. crif dogs is the mecca of junk food. its open until 4 on weekends and has an array of the most unhealthy food you can imagine... here's their menu pages page, check out that menu. amazing.
so after that we just walked around the east village, walked alex home and made sure he got in alright, then we walked kati home and headed back to brooklyn around 3 30 was one of my better nights in new york so far.
first came the delicious, delicious sapporo, then out came individual bottles of saki.

coincidentally, the camera went away until massive amounts of beer and saki had been consumed.
about an hour and a half later:
jason calling ragan to say "dude im faded"

i was super giggly all night.. here's me staying true to form.

me giggling with rizzo.

me giggling with alex.

whilst i was giggling, jason seemed to be in the kissing mood..
rizzo kissing jason (and jason giving the "this is the single best moment of my entire life" face)

jason (blurrily) kissing justin

after sushi a few of us decided to go back to our place and watch the office.
as the trip went on, it seems as though more and more alcohol began seeping into jason's blood, so at the half way point, he could baely hold his head up... he's a little bit before that.
jason and (the newly single!) anna

justin pulling out a good fonz impersonation

alex and anna

so we all finally got back to brooklyn and everyone was drunk so we all ende dup watching about 15 mintues of the office and everyone sort of fell jason alex and justin stayed up though, and we realized that (identity withheld for obvious reasons) had been in the bathroom for an extremely long time. a quick knock and opening of the door revealed this:

COMPLETELY PASSED OUT. we were howling with laughter and he didnt move an inch.
so, of course, (a recovered) jason needed a picture with him

justin trying to silence his laughing

and here's our new homemade gummo poster (thanks rasterbator)

and that was friday.
saturday me and jason decided not to drink.. so me him and kati just went to a movie. then after the movie we walked to broome street and met up with alex, jeff, and rizzo and we all decided to walk down to justin's dorm for his roommates' party.
here's the brooklyn bridge (not the best picture, sorry)

jeff pretending to be godzilla on a mini skyscraper statue thing.

so we finally get there.. and earlier in the night alex had some absinthe, and it didnt directly hit him but throughout the night his condition kept getting worse and worse.. here he is like, 2 hours after he drank it (with kati!! my platonic soulmate!)

justin and jeff in the kitchen (there was a keg, and beer pong. it felt like vegas)

me, alex, jason, and kati decided to get the most unhealthy food we could find at 1 am... so we got on the 6 train and rode to crif dogs like kings, in an empty car.

alex (whose condition was still worsening) and jason

kati.. looking smarmy, confused and mysterious all rolled into one

alex hitting rock bottom at crif dogs...

for those not acquainted.. crif dogs is the mecca of junk food. its open until 4 on weekends and has an array of the most unhealthy food you can imagine... here's their menu pages page, check out that menu. amazing.
so after that we just walked around the east village, walked alex home and made sure he got in alright, then we walked kati home and headed back to brooklyn around 3 30 was one of my better nights in new york so far.