Friday, March 18, 2005
ok so i promised an update for tuesday, but here i am, in bed on friday afternoon, finally cracking the whip on myself and posting. sorry for the wait, but trust me.. i needed the time to fully recover. so take a deep breath.. hold it for 1 2 3...exhale...
i boarded an airplane at 7 10 on friday morning, and for those who have ever flown out of JFK airport, you know its a long trip from ANYWHERE...s o i left for the airport at about 5. i usually go to bed around 3, so i decided just to wait it out and not sleep.
so my car shows up, and the driver is a nice guy, but he doesn't speak english that well, and on top of that.. he mumbled. so th ENTIRE ride was like this:
driver: heyman, whatchu tink about michael jackson, dyou(incomprehensible babble)-guilty?
me: ::uncomfortable laugh... then i realize he asked me a question:: uhh yeah man.
anyways, i didn't catch the car-nap that i was hoping to, so i was evenmore tired once i got to the airport.
i finally got on the plane and snuggled into my EXIT ROW, WINDOW SEAT (for the informed airplane traveler, you must know this is the best possible seat on the airplane in terms of leg room, and if the plane goes down you automatically become a HERO.. so there's really nothing bad about the exit row)
so after take off i snuggle into my seat and began my nap. when the flight attendent came around for drinks, she woke me up and i asked for a water, then went back to sleep. next thing i know im jutting awake because of a huge pile of ice that landed straight on my crotch.
i was super confused and angry, then i figured it all out. when the drinks came, the woman sitting next to me put down my tray-table (im a master of airplane lingo), and the woman had put my cup of ice on it and bottle of water next to it. im guessing it sat there long enough for plenty of the ice to melt.. then there was some turbulence and it simply slid off and landed in my crotch.
anyways.. i sort of just angrily scooped the ice onto the ground and went back to sleep.
next thing i know we were landing in las vegas (for the 5 hour flight from ny to lv, that's quite the feat of sleeping)
so me and my mom go to her house and i fall asleep on her couch for most of the day, then robbie came by after work at we went to house to get ready for a show in boulder city.
we walked to food 4 less, and on the way an ATM machine ate my card.. but luckily i had some cash for the pabst and no doz. a killer combo. our friends tyler and mike then picked us up from food for less and we were officially off to boulder city.
here's robbie on the way..looking pissed about the atm machine eating my card.

mike was riding shotgun, and wasn't nearly as mad about the atm debacle.

so we get to the show and it goes on and on and die for the moment decides to throw shirts out, and robbie somehow got the girls shirt.
here's him playing a maraca in his new shirt.

so we left the show and decided to head back to faustos (mexican restaurant. amazing)... we get there and some dudes from this band LYNCH THY BEAUTY are there. theyre all about 16 or 17 and i tell them that im "nick" from the infamous las vegas message board airbag
i guess they remembered all the shit i talked on their name, because no, they didnt say anyhting to my face, but when i walked out of fausto's, they drove by and tossed a drink at me and robbie, completely missing. they then proceeded to talk all this shit from a moving car. completely ridiculous. so that ended that night, we went back to robbie's and passed out.
robbie, being an EMT, is used to waking up super early, so on saturday we woke me up at 9 because he had been up for a while and was bored.
here is robbie's neighbor's house. mmm white trash.

for those of you who have never been to las vegas, its not anything like you would expect. its alot of this:

(check out the arm cameo in the mirror.)
so in our driving around, we decided to have a bbq at robbie's house.
tyler hymanson (who i've known since i was like 8) came...

robbie on his hammock that was dangerlously close to the ground

chris read and derek sutherland showed up

(cameo from my NEW SHOE)
chris parco and the future mrs. chris parco, brittney terry. (ENGAGED... im still suprised by it.. but they're happy and in love... so good for them!)

mine and robbie's future protege mike was there... tie and all. (he then left the bbq to hang out with angela, but we wont hold it against him.)

we then left robbie's house to go to balcony lights for a dance party. mind you, they said the party started at 9. we got there at 10 15 and they were locking up the store. here's how the conversation went
me: hey, i thought there was a dance party here at 9?
them: yeah, at 9.
me: but its 10 15
them: yeah, it was at 9.
so we went to 7 11 and picked up two sparks and went to pick up whitney to go to a party.
we got there and it was filled with high school girls wearing skanky clothes. and who is never far away from THAT combination? ah yes.

here's a picture of joe taking a picture of me taking a picture of him (and vice versa?)

and here's the flipside of that picture (and a handy guide if you ever wondered what it looked like to go to a party with me and have me annoying you with constant photos

whitney and robbie on the stairs, pretending to have fun.

and the night concluded with 2 near fights. WHY CAN PEOPLE NOT TAKE JOKES?
me and robbie have been eating at this sushi place for the last year or so, its become sort of a tradition for us. this visit was no different, only this time we invited whitney to join us, and to drive us home (helllooo all you can drink.)
the camera didn't come out until about 45 minutes into the meal, so you dont get to see the drinking, only the "drunk".
robbie posing with 2 of the 5 or so huge bottles of sapporo he drank.

whitney "i dont drink that often, and tonight was no exception, and im not impressed by you two drunk baffoons" nash

robbie with the patented "ginger moustache"

post-saki bomb (at this point we are fucking KRUNT* with a capital K R U N T)

(*krunt is a word im attempting to introduce into everyday language... feel free to use it ALL THE TIME)
robbie couldn't stand to walk all the way from the restaurant to whitney's car (about 35 feet), so he had to take a little rest

followed by a nap in the back of whitney's car.

so that's that..monday and tuesday were great as well, but for some reason i didnt take pictures.
and so concludes las vegas as nick.. i am SUPER FUCKING EXCITED for this summer.
i boarded an airplane at 7 10 on friday morning, and for those who have ever flown out of JFK airport, you know its a long trip from ANYWHERE...s o i left for the airport at about 5. i usually go to bed around 3, so i decided just to wait it out and not sleep.
so my car shows up, and the driver is a nice guy, but he doesn't speak english that well, and on top of that.. he mumbled. so th ENTIRE ride was like this:
driver: heyman, whatchu tink about michael jackson, dyou(incomprehensible babble)-guilty?
me: ::uncomfortable laugh... then i realize he asked me a question:: uhh yeah man.
anyways, i didn't catch the car-nap that i was hoping to, so i was evenmore tired once i got to the airport.
i finally got on the plane and snuggled into my EXIT ROW, WINDOW SEAT (for the informed airplane traveler, you must know this is the best possible seat on the airplane in terms of leg room, and if the plane goes down you automatically become a HERO.. so there's really nothing bad about the exit row)
so after take off i snuggle into my seat and began my nap. when the flight attendent came around for drinks, she woke me up and i asked for a water, then went back to sleep. next thing i know im jutting awake because of a huge pile of ice that landed straight on my crotch.
i was super confused and angry, then i figured it all out. when the drinks came, the woman sitting next to me put down my tray-table (im a master of airplane lingo), and the woman had put my cup of ice on it and bottle of water next to it. im guessing it sat there long enough for plenty of the ice to melt.. then there was some turbulence and it simply slid off and landed in my crotch.
anyways.. i sort of just angrily scooped the ice onto the ground and went back to sleep.
next thing i know we were landing in las vegas (for the 5 hour flight from ny to lv, that's quite the feat of sleeping)
so me and my mom go to her house and i fall asleep on her couch for most of the day, then robbie came by after work at we went to house to get ready for a show in boulder city.
we walked to food 4 less, and on the way an ATM machine ate my card.. but luckily i had some cash for the pabst and no doz. a killer combo. our friends tyler and mike then picked us up from food for less and we were officially off to boulder city.
here's robbie on the way..looking pissed about the atm machine eating my card.

mike was riding shotgun, and wasn't nearly as mad about the atm debacle.

so we get to the show and it goes on and on and die for the moment decides to throw shirts out, and robbie somehow got the girls shirt.
here's him playing a maraca in his new shirt.

so we left the show and decided to head back to faustos (mexican restaurant. amazing)... we get there and some dudes from this band LYNCH THY BEAUTY are there. theyre all about 16 or 17 and i tell them that im "nick" from the infamous las vegas message board airbag
i guess they remembered all the shit i talked on their name, because no, they didnt say anyhting to my face, but when i walked out of fausto's, they drove by and tossed a drink at me and robbie, completely missing. they then proceeded to talk all this shit from a moving car. completely ridiculous. so that ended that night, we went back to robbie's and passed out.
robbie, being an EMT, is used to waking up super early, so on saturday we woke me up at 9 because he had been up for a while and was bored.
here is robbie's neighbor's house. mmm white trash.

for those of you who have never been to las vegas, its not anything like you would expect. its alot of this:

(check out the arm cameo in the mirror.)
so in our driving around, we decided to have a bbq at robbie's house.
tyler hymanson (who i've known since i was like 8) came...

robbie on his hammock that was dangerlously close to the ground

chris read and derek sutherland showed up

(cameo from my NEW SHOE)
chris parco and the future mrs. chris parco, brittney terry. (ENGAGED... im still suprised by it.. but they're happy and in love... so good for them!)

mine and robbie's future protege mike was there... tie and all. (he then left the bbq to hang out with angela, but we wont hold it against him.)

we then left robbie's house to go to balcony lights for a dance party. mind you, they said the party started at 9. we got there at 10 15 and they were locking up the store. here's how the conversation went
me: hey, i thought there was a dance party here at 9?
them: yeah, at 9.
me: but its 10 15
them: yeah, it was at 9.
so we went to 7 11 and picked up two sparks and went to pick up whitney to go to a party.
we got there and it was filled with high school girls wearing skanky clothes. and who is never far away from THAT combination? ah yes.

here's a picture of joe taking a picture of me taking a picture of him (and vice versa?)

and here's the flipside of that picture (and a handy guide if you ever wondered what it looked like to go to a party with me and have me annoying you with constant photos

whitney and robbie on the stairs, pretending to have fun.

and the night concluded with 2 near fights. WHY CAN PEOPLE NOT TAKE JOKES?
me and robbie have been eating at this sushi place for the last year or so, its become sort of a tradition for us. this visit was no different, only this time we invited whitney to join us, and to drive us home (helllooo all you can drink.)
the camera didn't come out until about 45 minutes into the meal, so you dont get to see the drinking, only the "drunk".
robbie posing with 2 of the 5 or so huge bottles of sapporo he drank.

whitney "i dont drink that often, and tonight was no exception, and im not impressed by you two drunk baffoons" nash

robbie with the patented "ginger moustache"

post-saki bomb (at this point we are fucking KRUNT* with a capital K R U N T)

(*krunt is a word im attempting to introduce into everyday language... feel free to use it ALL THE TIME)
robbie couldn't stand to walk all the way from the restaurant to whitney's car (about 35 feet), so he had to take a little rest

followed by a nap in the back of whitney's car.

so that's that..monday and tuesday were great as well, but for some reason i didnt take pictures.
and so concludes las vegas as nick.. i am SUPER FUCKING EXCITED for this summer.
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Wow! Blast from the high school past with all those kids! Chris Parco is getting MARRIED?! How out of control! You & Robbie better be good to Mike. He's a good kid -- don't go ruining him!
I cannot believe how surly I look at sushy. Thanks for taking a picture out of context and making me the bitch. Haha! I was just mid-blink!
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