Sunday, April 17, 2005
friday and saturday
after a long week of work and classes (ha!) me,maggie, anna, and justin decided to "wind down" (read: get drunk) during happy hour at "the cosmic cantina".. home of the SUPER PITCHER. yes. for 16 dollars you can get a little more than a GALLON of beer.
maggie, attempting to pose through super pitcher #1

maggie and justin

so time passed and that pitcher was finished, so what else could we do but attempt to order a 2nd pitcher within happy hour time... we just had to save that extra dollar. alas. we were not in time, but we got the 2nd pitcher anyways and by the end of it we were all pretty loose.
maggie: "how many super pitchers have we torn through, anna?"

anna: "two"

maggies friends emma and amanda showed up later and had one regular pitcher, then we left for sophie's

once at sophies, i had a little more to drink which put me into the land of "irrational".. i stumbled to their fantastic jukebox, reached into my pocket and pulled out the only bill i had. a 5. i didn't have the energy to walk to the bar and get change, so i just bought 15 plays. good music, but i really wish i had kept 4 of that 5 and settled for 3 plays.
maggie posing with her bottle of pabst (anyone who has only had pabst out of a can doesn't know what they are missing. bottled pabst is the best domestic beer. there, i said it.) she is also posing with her new sweater she bought on the way because of the cold.

so after this we stumbled to crif dogs then went home.
every eyar, a school in new york (state, not city) called SUNY purchase puts on a big, two day free music festival called "Culture Shok" this year's line up was pretty stellar. cat power, lightning bolt, bonnie prince billy, animal collective, magnolia electric co., etc etc. unfortunately, we couldnt make it up on friday so i missed animal collective, but saturday, me, kati, sasha, and kensey met at washington square park to take the PATH train to jersey to get sasha's car and drive to purchase. it was a mini road trip to warm up for my mammoth road trip next week(!!!) with robbie.
new jersey! it's not as ugly a state as people make it out to be. i liked it.

kensey attempting to make sense of the TERRIBLE mapquest directions the resulted in us getting lost for about an hour.

i attempted to get a picture of sasha'a manic singing along to a song (which i cant remember), but i seem to have caught her at her most subdued.

kati fell asleep for a bit.

so we finally got there after about 2 hours on the road. it was everything you should expect from an outdoor festival. carnival games, carnival food, bad bands scattered amongst the few good, outrageous hipster fashion, perfect weather, people fucked out of their mind on drugs. it was great.
kensey, kati and sasha went completely insane and ate pretty much anything that was fried or covered in sugar. i think at last count between them they had eaten 4 corn dogs, a "blooming onion", a funnel cake (admittedly, i helped them with this one), a sausage with peppers, fries, cotton candy, lemonade and...
a rock-hard candy apple. (note kensey in the background, looking on in horror/envy)

lightning bolt played in the middle of the grass and people went FUCKING NUTS. the band is somewhere in front of those two speakers.

then right after lightning bolt came cat power. she played a fantastic set, but (on account of bad event planning and bad manners) she was put on before "mr. vegas" who is a reggae dj/singer/whatever. so mid-way through her extremely quiet set, the reggae and hip hop fans started pushing their way through the crowd and were being extremely loud and obnoxious. eventually she stopped playing, mouthed the words "im sorry" and walked off stage.
it was nice while it lasted though.

me posing with super pitcher

maggie's friend olivia who couldn't stop herself from...

showing her true feelings towards pabst.

me and maggie just looking like "bwaaaa??"

at crif dogs joe and byron (and sara and will!) showed up to get some dogs.

me... giddy for some dogs

justin got some pabst

(this entry has been brought to you by pabst blue ribbon)
thanks maggie for the extra pictures.
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I'm glad you had a good my birthday....and is this "name dea" better so we don't create mass confusion?
ANYTIME, MY LITTLE SUGARBUN! To have my photos blogged among the likes of yours is to have the pebble of my soul coated with the gold of your heart...
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