Sunday, May 08, 2005
road trip pictures! (UPDATED)
tuesday morning we loaded up robbie's car (with our new wal mart bike rack!) and headed out for..., cigarettes, and a steak and eggs special at the skyline! delicious smoking section. yum.

so from there we headed out on the road. las vegas to reno is about a 9 hour drive, and with attention spans as short as mine and robbie, we had to make at least 4 stops.
our third and final stop before reno was at some indian reservation. for those not in the know, fireworks are legal on indian reservations year round, and not the sit-on-the-ground-and-watch-sparks-fly type..these were the real, dangerous, flying ones.

robbie, shirtless, shooting a roman candle. if you look around his feet you'll see the remnants of the 3 foot string of firecrackers we bought and set off, and were both thoroughly let down by. shit sucked.

we also find the time to stop and get a nice speeding ticket! that's always fun.

there was a nice desert oasis-like lake to lift our spirits.

so we got into reno, hung out with aidan tuesday night, then went in for an early night. the next night, however, my brother's friends' band were playing at some local cafe, so me and robbie decided to hit it up. we also decided to drink a 5th (750mL) of dominican rum in the parking lot (big mistake). we polished the bottle off in about 10 minutes, went to the show, in which my brother's friend brought a giant jug of beer, which me him and robbie shared (equally bad idea.) the story continues below...
here's a drunk robbie, entertaining my godbrother(!) jared, and random dude in blue windbreaker.

my brother! andrew!

the story, continued: so we drink that beer inside and at this point we are completely fucking obliterated. we fuck around some more and eventually robbie disappears. me and some other people looked for him for a good 20 minutes.
we finally give up, so me and a few people load into a car (with a sober driver, no worries) and head off to a bar in reno called 'satellite.' it was a pretty cool place, so we were having a good time and i ended up drinking a bunch more. as was told to me: i had 3 more beers, 3 shots, and half of an unfinsihed margarita left at the bar (terrible form, i know.) So, obviously, at this point im KRUNT (yeah that's still going.)
we then leave that abr for another place (shea's, i believe) and while walking in the backdoor, i happened upon two dudes smoking. one was this skinny, mallrat type goth guy, the other a chubby white dude with blonde dreadlocks and a hockey jersey. i smoked a bit with them (worst idea yet) and end up talking to these dudes for a while. all i remember about the conversation is me getting really emotional, telling them that nobody should judge them and how they should wear what is comfortable to them. i then bid them adieu and wandered inside
after that i completely blacked out. next thing i know im waking up on the bar's bathroom floor at 6 am. i stand up and im super disoriented, and i walk out of the bathroom and realize the entire bar is empty. no bartenders, no people. all of the sudden the burglar alarm goes off and i just freeze in the middle of the bar. my instinct is to put my hands up, so i stand there for about a minute with my arms in the air, then i slowly back out of the bar and run outside and hail a cab.
on the cab ride home i check my pockets and realize im missing my precious DIGITAL CAMERA. i sit in the back of the cab for the remainder of the ride, semi-drunk and bummed out of my mind. im quietly formulating my tearful final post on the blog, explaining how i lost my camera and how this blog couldn't survive a blow that hard. i also thought about how much of a fucking bummer it is to lose something.
so i finally got back to my brothers and went to sleep on the couch.
what happened to robbie, you ask? well according to him he blacked out towards the end of the show, the next thign he knew he woke up in his car at 4 30 am, freezing cold in the parking lot of the venue. apparently in our massive search we failed to check his car.
so we both slept it off at my brother's and woke up early afternoon. we were both hungover out of our minds, but i decided i wasn't going to let my camera disappear without fighting. so i google localed (text anything to 46645 and you'll get info, use it instead of 411, for example, to find my camera i texted "shea's reno" to 46645, and seconds later i had the address and phone number for shea's bar!) so i called, and it turns out they found it.. on the bathroom floor.
so i got the camera back and managed to get a picture of robbie, still nursing a hangover on the bathroom floor at 6 pm.

quick note: see the shirt that robbie is wearing? he bought it at buffalo exchange. it just so happens that i gave angela that exact shirt in that exact size. is it possible that she sold it to buffalo exchange (not in the know: its a thrift store that you can sell stuff to) and it just so happens that robbie bought it? how strange would that be? it turns out this note wasn't so quick.
this is the night after the hungover day. that's winnie (or brian for those not in the know) straight muggin'

aidan is one of those dudes who will do anyhting on a dare. i spotted a full (huge) bottle of grenadine (the key ingredient in a shirley temple.. cherry-ish thick liquid) and he said he'd chug as much as he could.
here he is, living up to the promise.

and there's him vomitting it all out.. its like chugging in reverse. (note the dripping out of the nose)

that's a good 3/4ths of the bottle. INTENSE.

after that night we officially ran out of money, so we decided to drive back to vegas. here's robbie throwing shit around on the side of the road when i kept trying to get truckers to honk their horns.

great trip., cigarettes, and a steak and eggs special at the skyline! delicious smoking section. yum.

so from there we headed out on the road. las vegas to reno is about a 9 hour drive, and with attention spans as short as mine and robbie, we had to make at least 4 stops.
our third and final stop before reno was at some indian reservation. for those not in the know, fireworks are legal on indian reservations year round, and not the sit-on-the-ground-and-watch-sparks-fly type..these were the real, dangerous, flying ones.

robbie, shirtless, shooting a roman candle. if you look around his feet you'll see the remnants of the 3 foot string of firecrackers we bought and set off, and were both thoroughly let down by. shit sucked.

we also find the time to stop and get a nice speeding ticket! that's always fun.

there was a nice desert oasis-like lake to lift our spirits.

so we got into reno, hung out with aidan tuesday night, then went in for an early night. the next night, however, my brother's friends' band were playing at some local cafe, so me and robbie decided to hit it up. we also decided to drink a 5th (750mL) of dominican rum in the parking lot (big mistake). we polished the bottle off in about 10 minutes, went to the show, in which my brother's friend brought a giant jug of beer, which me him and robbie shared (equally bad idea.) the story continues below...
here's a drunk robbie, entertaining my godbrother(!) jared, and random dude in blue windbreaker.

my brother! andrew!

the story, continued: so we drink that beer inside and at this point we are completely fucking obliterated. we fuck around some more and eventually robbie disappears. me and some other people looked for him for a good 20 minutes.
we finally give up, so me and a few people load into a car (with a sober driver, no worries) and head off to a bar in reno called 'satellite.' it was a pretty cool place, so we were having a good time and i ended up drinking a bunch more. as was told to me: i had 3 more beers, 3 shots, and half of an unfinsihed margarita left at the bar (terrible form, i know.) So, obviously, at this point im KRUNT (yeah that's still going.)
we then leave that abr for another place (shea's, i believe) and while walking in the backdoor, i happened upon two dudes smoking. one was this skinny, mallrat type goth guy, the other a chubby white dude with blonde dreadlocks and a hockey jersey. i smoked a bit with them (worst idea yet) and end up talking to these dudes for a while. all i remember about the conversation is me getting really emotional, telling them that nobody should judge them and how they should wear what is comfortable to them. i then bid them adieu and wandered inside
after that i completely blacked out. next thing i know im waking up on the bar's bathroom floor at 6 am. i stand up and im super disoriented, and i walk out of the bathroom and realize the entire bar is empty. no bartenders, no people. all of the sudden the burglar alarm goes off and i just freeze in the middle of the bar. my instinct is to put my hands up, so i stand there for about a minute with my arms in the air, then i slowly back out of the bar and run outside and hail a cab.
on the cab ride home i check my pockets and realize im missing my precious DIGITAL CAMERA. i sit in the back of the cab for the remainder of the ride, semi-drunk and bummed out of my mind. im quietly formulating my tearful final post on the blog, explaining how i lost my camera and how this blog couldn't survive a blow that hard. i also thought about how much of a fucking bummer it is to lose something.
so i finally got back to my brothers and went to sleep on the couch.
what happened to robbie, you ask? well according to him he blacked out towards the end of the show, the next thign he knew he woke up in his car at 4 30 am, freezing cold in the parking lot of the venue. apparently in our massive search we failed to check his car.
so we both slept it off at my brother's and woke up early afternoon. we were both hungover out of our minds, but i decided i wasn't going to let my camera disappear without fighting. so i google localed (text anything to 46645 and you'll get info, use it instead of 411, for example, to find my camera i texted "shea's reno" to 46645, and seconds later i had the address and phone number for shea's bar!) so i called, and it turns out they found it.. on the bathroom floor.
so i got the camera back and managed to get a picture of robbie, still nursing a hangover on the bathroom floor at 6 pm.

quick note: see the shirt that robbie is wearing? he bought it at buffalo exchange. it just so happens that i gave angela that exact shirt in that exact size. is it possible that she sold it to buffalo exchange (not in the know: its a thrift store that you can sell stuff to) and it just so happens that robbie bought it? how strange would that be? it turns out this note wasn't so quick.
this is the night after the hungover day. that's winnie (or brian for those not in the know) straight muggin'

aidan is one of those dudes who will do anyhting on a dare. i spotted a full (huge) bottle of grenadine (the key ingredient in a shirley temple.. cherry-ish thick liquid) and he said he'd chug as much as he could.
here he is, living up to the promise.

and there's him vomitting it all out.. its like chugging in reverse. (note the dripping out of the nose)

that's a good 3/4ths of the bottle. INTENSE.

after that night we officially ran out of money, so we decided to drive back to vegas. here's robbie throwing shit around on the side of the road when i kept trying to get truckers to honk their horns.

great trip.
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I'm glad I'm talking to you while reading this so I can just direct all my comments at you. For some reason, though, it seems as if pieces of this story are missing... Maybe a key story or two? I'm still waiting for those, old pal!
what a classic look into American Youth Culture. Thank you. Actually, those shots of Robbie against the backdrop of the southwest really are quite beautiful. Kudos, cameraman...
PS Your brother has your eyes.
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PS Your brother has your eyes.
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